Carlo Sisi

Giuseppe Bezzuoli (1784 - 1855)
La morte di Filippo Strozzi in Castel San Giovanni


21,5 x 28 cm / 56 pages / illustrated


Walter Padovani, Milan, 2011

Carlo Sisi studies the history of the great painting, hitherto unpublished, commissioned in 1837 to Giuseppe Bezzuoli by his illustrious patron of Pistoia, Niccolò Puccini, and whose pendant Lorenzino de ‘Medici assassinated in Piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice is located in the Museo Civico of Pistoia. Bezzuoli finished the painting in November 1839 and when the commissioner, enthusiastic, sent the work at the Universal Exhibition of Florence, it seems that “an American gentleman” had asked him to buy it.

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