Roman Sculptor - Pair of Urn-Shaped Vases Decorated with the Four Seasons
Antonio Tantardini - The Wounded Friend
Antonio Raggi - A Bishop Saint Triumphs Over the Devil
Giovanni Bonazza - Reclining Female Figure or Venus
Carlo Beretta - Four Allegorical Male Portraits
Arturo Martini - Group of Soldiers
Prince Hoare - Portrait of Sir Horace Mann
Bernardino Cametti - Nativity
Caspar Bernhard Hardy - Portrait of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Bartolomeo Pinelli - The Saltarello at Testaccio
Bartolomeo Pinelli - The Popular Improviser in the Campo Vaccino
Felice Giani - St. Florian, Accompanied by St. Petronius, Intercedes with the Virgin for the Plague to Cease in the City of Bologna
Pietro Labruzzi - Ritratto di Sir James Bland Burges
Giovanni Sanguinetti - The Roman Women Bring their Gold and Jewellery to the Treasury as a Token of Their Faith and Their Love of Country
Gaetano Gandolfi - Jupiter and Semele
Giovan Battista Foggini from a model by - St Charles Borromeo in Adoration of the Crucifix
Matteo Durante - Ecstasy of St Rosalia in the Cave on Monte Pellegrino
Girolamo Ticciati - Madonna and Child
Theodor Commer - Secrétaire / Caspar Bernhard Hardy - Wax figures
Florentine Grand Ducal Workshops - The Annunciation
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